City of Norco - New Business Registration Application
Thank you for choosing the City of Norco for your business!
- Business registrations are renewed on an annual basis and expire on June 30th of each year.
- The business start date is the first date your business started operating in the City of Norco.
- For All Businesses: Please complete the Business License Application Online and attach the required Supplemental forms. Also include copies of any licenses that are required such as State Seller’s Permit with Norco address, Fictitious Business Name, State Licenses, Federal Employee Identification Number (FEIN), Articles of Incorporation and Statement of Information. Supplemental Forms and information on fees are located here.
- For All Businesses: Please provide Employee identification information. Sole owner or partnerships are required to provide a copy of a government ID for all owners/partners. LLC, Limited Partnership, Trust or Corporations are required to provide a Federal Employee Identification Number (FEIN) or State Employee Identification Number (SEIN) for the business.
- ALL IN-CITY BUSINESSES will be required to have an annual Fire Inspection and a review for applicable annual Fire Operational Permits. In-City Businesses will require approval by the Planning Division.
- PLEASE NOTE: Once the on-line application process has started it cannot be saved to complete at another time.
- No payment will be required until your application has been reviewed and accepted. An email will be sent, to the Primary Contact on file, verifying the receipt of application. The email will contain the amount due and instructions on how to make payment online.
- Please allow ten business days to process your business license application. The City will contact you if any additional information is required. Upon review and acceptance of the application, on-line payment can be made with Visa or Mastercard.
If you need any assistance with the application process, please call (951) 270-5679 or email City hours are Monday through Thursday, 8 AM to 6 PM.
Assembly Bill 3002 went into effect on January 1, 2019, which provides information regarding disability access requirements and resources to business owners. To read the full notice click here.
Welcome to the City of Norco Business Community!